interview tips
some helpful tips for interviews.
​General Interview Tips
Please be SURE you've visited their websites and social media and pay special attention to history, current news, mission/values, etc. that you come across. This will be important in answering the question "Why do you want to work for us?”
​Make sure you have checked out the LinkedIn profile of the person you are interviewing with to read about their background and see if you have any connections in common.
​Hopefully you will be able to visit one of their locations or at a minimum- taste their food
Please reread the company background and job description highlighting some things about the company and the process
You want to be conversational–absolutely no one-word answers! You also don't want to go on for more than a minute or two with one answer. Converse as much as possible to build the relationship with the person that is interviewing you.
Try to stay relaxed. Don't "study"–just go through the information, and it will come back to you
Above all else -- you must project high energy, enthusiasm, and a genuine DESIRE to want to work for the company. Do not play "hard to get" -- this hardly ever works
​In-Person Interview Tips
Bring two printed copies of your resume to the interview and have one in front of you. Feel free to have notes in front of you, outlining the major strengths and accomplishments you think they should know about you, as well as your numbers (sales, food costs, labor costs, turnover, guest survey scores, health scores, and how you've improved them over time)
Dress in business attire to make the best impression. Men–a collared woven shirt, ladies–no large jewelry
Virtual or Phone Interview Tips
Make sure you have practiced using the virtual platform
Make sure your name shows up on the screen (no silly nicknames). And make sure as soon as you log on that your microphone and camera are on. Learn how to turn them on and off prior
Location, location, location! You will want a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Your car is NOT ideal. You want a neutral background with indirect light shining on your face- not behind you. Make sure there is no clutter, laundry, etc. behind you!
Have a copy of your resume in front of you during the interview. Feel free to have notes in front of you, outlining the major strengths and accomplishments you think they should know about you, as well as your numbers (sales, food costs, labor costs, turnover, guest survey scores, health scores, and how you've improved them over time).
Dress in business attire to make the best impression. Men–a collared woven shirt, ladies–no large jewelry
Make sure your device is hands free
Try not to "speak with your hands" or touch your face too much as this can be distracting.
Don't stare at yourself- make eye contact with interviewer.
Log on 5-10 minutes early so you are in the waiting room when they log on. ***If they do not show up for 10 minutes, please contact your recruiter immediately.
Sample Questions to Ask During Your Interview
​You should always have questions in mind going into the interview. One of the worst things is saying you don't have any questions at all at the end of an interview–this can be a job killer.
- What is the vision for the company?
What do you hope it will look like in 5 years? 10 years?
What do you love most about working here? What would you change if you could?
When there is turnover, what is the most common reason for leaving?
What key skills and characteristics make someone successful here?
What is the organization structure in the restaurants? In the field?
Tell me about the current situation at the restaurants. Who are the managers, and what are their strengths and opportunities? What challenges are facing the restaurant that need to be addressed right away?
Do you have any concerns about my ability to be a strong manager for you? If so, let me know, as I'd love to address them.
Be Prepared to Answer the Following Questions
Why do you want to work for them? (show off your knowledge of the company here / growth is a big keyword, reputation)
Why did you leave your last job? (never say anything negative about any past employers)
At your last job, what exactly were your Sales / Food Cost % / Labor % / Profit % / Turnover %, guest survey scores, health scores?
What is your best quality as a manager?
What is your biggest opportunity as a manager?
How would your former boss / crew describe you?
What are your career goals in 6 months / 3 years / 5 years?
Why would we want to hire you?
Tell me about a time when you had to deal with______, what did you do and how was it resolved? Be specific. E.g., understaffed, belligerent customer, poor performing staff, liquor costs too high, poor health scores, etc.
After the Interview​
Don't forget to send a thank you note to follow up after the interview and reconfirm your interest in the position. Please let us know if you need any contact information and we would be happy to help!